When Tech Transforms Reality

Here are key instances where our technology materializes into real-world applications.
Storybook Featured on German TV
Recently, a TV crew from 3sat visited our studio to discuss the meaning of AI for filmmaking and showcase some of our work. As storytellers, creative control is paramount for us. Text prompting alone won't get us far—so we've developed custom workflows to achieve that.
May 29, 2024
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Video Workflow Comparison
We compared our proprietary local workflow, against well-known AI video tools like Pika, Runway Gen-2, and the StableVideo Beta. We summarized the results, and they're compelling. Across the board - from image coherence, to movement fluidity, to overall image quality - our workflow stands out. It's tailored for our needs as filmmakers, running on local hardware, ensuring we maintain full control over our creative output.
April 4, 2024
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AI Filmmaking Showcase 2024
Our new showcase trailer is a game-changer — without Sora, Runway or Pika. Thanks to our proprietary workflow, we guarantee it's the most high-fidelity, controlled AI-generated video you'll find worldwide! Our creative team has crafted spectacular worlds, enabling stories that are begging to be told — something that's only possible when cutting-edge technology meets imagination. 🚀
April 2, 2024
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TICK TOCK – AI Music Video
For a current project we used AI to make a song from scratch and it’s so catchy, we just couldn't keep it to ourselves. Get ready to hit repeat, because you won't be able to listen just once. This showcases not only what AI can achieve in music composition but also the creative potential it unlocks for visual storytelling!
March 2, 2024
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Experience Ganna's Story 🔥
We are thrilled to start this year with a bang: "The Seeress", an AI trailer for a real project in development with PANTALEON Films GmbH. It was crafted entirely by our team without the use of mainstream tools like Runway or Pika Labs.
January 15, 2024
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Schweighöfer Deepfake
When the meme known as “Schweigsteiger” went viral, we had to get in on the action. Our deepfake of Matthias Schweighöfer in Bastian Schweinsteiger’s soccer games and Bastian in Matthias’ movies gained almost 4 million views … and still counting!
November 30, 2023
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AI Filmmaking Showcase
It’s beyond clear: generative AI has incredible creative potential. But let's face it, potential and reality can be lightyears apart. There are a million tools on the market, but the future depends on those who use them: us. The real magic happens when experienced storytellers get their hands on AI!
August 4, 2023
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AI Cinematic Images
With the right know-how and patience, it's now possible to create convincingly real, cinematic images for any genre. Note the softly lit, emotional style that high-end film productions are known for, as well as the relatively high resolution – this was previously a big challenge to achieve with commercial AIs. But using the brand new Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 and a custom workflow, we can visualize any scene like this in seconds.
August 1, 2023
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